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The Great Hurricane: 1938

The Great Hurricane: 1938

Cherie Burns is the author of The Great Hurricane: 1938, published by Grove/Atlantic (2005) in soft and hardcover.  Jonathan Yardley of The Washington Post wrote: “Her own very good book is sure to help keep the terrible storm in its proper place in New England’s memory..”, and Liz Smith  wrote in her column in The Daily News that the book was “A must if you care about brilliant reporting…”   “Before there was the Perfect Storm, there was the Great Hurricane of 1938.  Cherie Burns’s new book is not only a riveting and wonderfully written account of one of the worst storms of the century, it is a marvelous portrait of an era and a region.  A must for all New Englanders and lovers of the sea,” said National Book Award winner Nathaniel Philbrick, author of In the Heart of the Sea and Sea of Glory.